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The School Day

Our school day begins at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm.


Absences and Sickness

If your child is away from school please keep us informed, i.e. before 9am (the latest) of the first day of absence. If you have not informed the office before registration closes we follow safeguarding procedures and will try to contact parents/carers/those on our contacts list to ascertain a reason for absence. Schools must record unauthorised absences and report them to the Department for Education. If a child is away from school for some time you may receive a visit from the Educational Welfare Officer.

Attendance Policy


Regular school attendance is an important part of giving your child the best possible start in life.

If you have a difficulty getting your child to school, please contact the school.


There are 365 days a year – you only have to attend school for 190 of those.  That leaves 175 days to do everything else.

If you are 5 minutes late every day… that adds up to 3 days lost per year

If you are 15 minutes late every day… that adds up to almost 10 days lost every year.

If you are absent from school for 1 day a week throughout your school life… you will be missing 2 years of your education.

If you are absent from school for 1 day every half a term throughout your whole school life, you will miss, in total, 3 months of education

90% attendance throughout your school life = missing 1 whole year of education

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