Art Lessons
At Collaton St Mary art is highly valued as a way of allowing children to explore their creativity and express their individuality and views through the visual arts.
The children are taught to recognise and imaginatively implement the visual art elements and demonstrate a progression of skills in carefully planned and delivered lessons from reception to year 6. We aim to inspire creativity and expression by encouraging the children to explore and experiment with a wide variety of media and subject matter. The children learn to observe, record, develop and evaluate in sketchbooks which provide an exciting and informative journey to both take forward to a finished project and look back on as a record of skills and techniques covered.
From year 1 onwards the children learn about artists and art movements throughout history up to the present day and look at their styles and techniques to inspire creativity, encourage questioning and develop opinion and personal view points.
Art helps to engage children, supporting and consolidating learning by linking to other areas of the curriculum including, topic work, RE, maths, literacy as well as seasonal and special events and celebrations. We are currently aiming to create exciting and stimulating large scale, collaborative pieces of art for outdoor areas of the school linked to our outdoor learning and our environment.
Although art lessons are taken very seriously they are fun and engaging and the children have a great sense of achievement and pride in the high quality work produced. We value and celebrate this by displaying and regularly exhibiting work both in school and in local events and exhibitions in Torbay.