Welcome to your home learning area for you and your classmates during this time when school is closed. I’m sure, with everything going on in the world at the moment, we can continue to do some great learning together. You will find attached lessons from us and useful links to help you with your learning at home. Please work through the learning for each day, completing your work in your normal school books.
The learning available at home will look very similar to the learning you did at school – similar subjects, similar activities, similar expectations. Everyone might complete the learning slightly differently as you may not have access to a computer/tablet throughout the day. That is ok!
We want you to continue to have pride in everything that you do , so please remember to use a sharp pencil, use a ruler when you draw a line and use your best handwriting at all times.
This is an example of how you could plan your day – similar to the learning structure at school:
9 – 9.30 (PE) PE with Jo Wick’s online workout. www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6r99N3kXME This workout will be done across the country with Joe Wicks trying to keep us all fit. You might want to see if your adult wants to do it with you! You’re welcome adults!
9.30 – 10.15 (Maths) Follow the maths instruction sheet. Home learning videos are provided with questions for you to answer. Remember to Explain, Prove and find different Methods for your answers.
10.15 – 10.30 (Break) Break – healthy snack and fresh air in the garden if possible
10.30 – 11 (Reading) This may be a mixture of quiet reading, listening to audio books or a reading comprehensions set by us
11 – 12 :30 (Learning Experience)This work will link to our learning experience. At the moment, our learning experience is linked to science. Our enquiry question is: How can I ensure plants thrive and survive? Use your journals as you normally would in class.
12:30 – 1:30 (Lunchtime) Relax, have some food and try to get some fresh air.
1:30 – 2:30 (Home craft activity) We will look forward to seeing some of the amazing things that you are creating, ask an adult to send us a photograph.
We hope this helps with organising your day. This will be the first time that any of us have tried to do this but I’m sure that keeping connected will help us all.
Remember – there are plenty of opportunities for you to help around the house: keeping your room tidy, washing the dishes, helping lay the table.
Good luck with your work and keep well!
Mrs Blaker and Mrs Cynk
Bit late to this but this is Lotties work from last week :)
Finding seeds and pips.