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World Book Day 2023


Dear Parents,


This year, World Book Day takes place on Thursday 2nd March. We are having a school theme of Bedtime Stories and the children are invited to come to school wearing their pyjamas and bring their favourite book. They will be sharing this book with their friends.

We are running two competitions for the children to enter:

1) Please can you send a photograph of your child reading in an unusual place to your child’s class teacher. Please can this be sent via the teachers email address. There will be one winner per class!

2) Key Stage 1 children are to create a new front cover for their favourite book and bring it in on World Book Day. There will be a winner from each class.

3) Key Stage 2 children are to create a book review for a book of their choice (class teachers will have a printed template, if required) There will be a winner from each class.

During the day, classes will be learning a poem to perform in front of the rest of the school. They will also have the opportunity to hear stories read around the school and will take part in an activity linked to story characters with their school family groups.

In the evening, there will be bedtime stories via Zoom for the children to listen to. We will put the links for these stories onto Class Dojo on Thursday for you to access at home.

With Best Wishes,

Miss Nicky Postlethwaite


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