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A Message for Year 4 Parents From Mr Chisholm

Writer's picture: CollatonCollaton

Dear Parents/Carers,

Firstly, thank-you for all of your support and guidance towards your child’s home learning. I have seen some amazing examples of the children’s efforts at home and I am extremely proud of how responsible and committed they have been towards their learning.

Now we have had somewhat of an unusual Easter break, home learning will resume in a similar format as before. Every day, the children will have a series of maths, reading and learning experience tasks to complete as well as their Jo Wicks daily workout. After lunch, the children will then complete some additional tasks which will vary each day. This will be linked to other areas of the curriculum such as: times tables, spelling, punctuation, grammar, handwriting, art and R.E.

Additionally, the children will have a homework task to compete. Although the children are showing great commitment to their learning, I believe it is important they are still encouraged to be responsible for managing their time to complete small homework tasks. The tasks will be short and will be directly linked to their learning experience.

Below is a breakdown of the content of each subject:

P.E – Jo Wicks Workout

Maths – White Rose home learning video and tasks to complete. We will be resuming our fractions learning over course of the next few weeks.

Reading – On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the children will focus on a text related to our learning experience (plants). Mondays will be based upon the children’s initial thoughts of the text and what they think of it. On Tuesday & Wednesday, the children will focus on using one of our ERIC reading tools (explain, retrieve, interpret and choice). They will have a task to complete. On Thursday & Friday, the children will apply their learning to some general reading comprehensions. Hopefully, they will be applying the skills they have been developing to answer a series of questions.

Learning Experience – Our ‘seeds’ learning experience content with voice recording guidance will continue to be uploaded. As mentioned, the children have done fantastically will following the learning experience clips independently. At times, there will be investigations which I have completed myself. The children are NOT expected to complete the investigations. It is an opportunity for the children to see the scientific skills being applied as usually they would be applying such skills themselves.

Art – We will be uploading art content which will be passed on from Mrs Richards.

R.E – Our focus is on Christianity. We will be exploring the enquiry question: For Christians, what was the impact of the Pentecost? The children will begin by reflecting on what they already know. They will also have an opportunity to think of any questions they have about the enquiry question.

Handwriting – On a Wednesday afternoon, the children will spend some time to independently practice their handwriting. They should be encouraged to write with in cursive, joined up handwriting. Each letter should be formed with a lead in (except capital letters) and their ascenders and descenders should be formed an appropriate size. The font used in this text is the font we use to model handwriting in school.

SPaG – The children will have a SPaG activity to complete on a Tuesday.

Homework – The children will also have a homework task related to an element of SPaG. This will be applied in the children’s learning at the end of the week and in following weeks to come.

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